Version |
Date |
What's new |
Development version
Most recent version |
Most recent changes
Ledalab V3.4.9 |
2016-04-18 |
Fix marker import for Matlab R>=2015a |
Ledalab V3.4.8 |
2015-08-27 |
Improved (more robust) event and data import function. See "What's new.txt" for details. |
Ledalab V3.4.7 |
2015-01-12 |
New event import functionality: You can now either load new event markers from a text file and (1) delete the existing ones, (2) keep the existing ones, (3) recode the existing ones. See "What's new.txt" for details. |
Ledalab V3.4.6c |
2014-05-20 |
Import of Biotrace UK format now supported; Butterworth filter function extended and included in batch-analysis. CDA-PhasicMax score added (again) to event-related activation measures. Minor debugging. |
Ledalab V3.4.5 |
2014-01-30 |
EDA_Results script allows saving aggregated EDA scores for all analyzed files of an experiment (see help EDA_Results). leda2.analysis variable provides access to onsets, peak times and amplitudes of all reconvolved SCRs and phasic driver peaks (after CDA). Plus minor debugging. |
Ledalab V3.4.4 |
2013-06-11 |
More flexible import of events with time and optional marker info. Potential conflict for downsample-function with Signal Processing TB removed. Minor bug-fixes. |
Ledalab V3.4.3 |
2012-06-08 |
Ledalab now imports data from text-files with variable format (Text Type 3; manual definition); Text Type 2 was changed to the standard format [SC (Marker)]. |
Ledalab V3.4.2 |
2012-05-25 |
Export of SCR-List now available in batch-mode; export of SCR-list no longer requires events. |
Ledalab V3.4.1 |
2012-04-16 |
A tool was added which allows to plot event-related data per conditions (contributed by Christoph Huber-Huber) - see Tools. This is great way to visualize the effect of your experimental conditions on the EDA data (phasic driver and phasic data after CDA). Further minor debugging and optimization. |
Ledalab V3.4.0 |
2012-02-19 |
Analysis and export of standard event-related activation scores (number of SCRs, latency, amplitude-sum) now also available for CDA. Export of SCR-List (txt, xls, mat) included. More consistent labelling of scores. |
Ledalab V3.3.4 |
2012-02-09 |
Import event-data function included. |
Ledalab V3.3.3 |
2012-01-22 |
Import function now checks for positive values. Some minor graphic changes. |
variable_era |
2012-01-18 |
A script that allows to compute event-related phasic activity for events with variable stimulus durations. It applied to files analyzed with CDA. See comments in the script for further documentation. |
Ledalab V3.3.2 |
2011-11-10 |
Ledalab was patched to ensure Linux-compatibility (contributed by Vincent Emanuele). |
Ledalab V3.3.1 |
2011-05-28 |
Direct import of Biopac-files now supported (i.e., the workaround via BioSig is no longer required). Single and multiple event-channels are supported (see documentation). |
Ledalab V3.3.0 |
2011-05-09 |
Import function for Biopac Matlab-Export files now included. |
Ledalab V3.2.9 |
2011-02-18 |
CDA-parameter SCR added (see documentation). Vision Analyzer Import more robust. Writing of log-files more informative and more robust. |
Ledalab V3.2.8 |
2010-12-18 |
Data Import function debugged. |
Ledalab V3.2.7 |
2010-11-09 |
Batch-mode now includes smoothing; batch-options for analysis-method changed (see online docu).
Event-related analysis now also exports to Excel-files; mind that the variable-structure of the Matlab-export slightly changed. Minor debugging. [unstable] |
Ledalab V3.2.6 |
2010-07-11 |
Import functionality for Biopac data via BioSig toolbox (see
Initial values for optimization now based on empirical results in reference publications. |
Ledalab V3.2.5 |
2010-03-05 |
Window-maximize works for 64-Bit systems. Smoothing function debugged. |
Ledalab V3.2.4 |
2010-01-15 |
Varioport-Import works for data without marker. |
Ledalab V3.2.3 |
2009-09-29 |
Decomposition analysis debugged: division by zero error and correct
fit model depiction after file load. |
V3.2.2 |
2009-09-09 |
Decomposition analysis debugged; unused files deleted; depiction
of overshoot components debugged and settable in visual settings. |
V3.2.1 |
2009-09-03 |
Minor refinements on the Continuous Decomposition (e.g., optimization
criterion); Batchmode: options for export of event-related activation
setable, export-scr option was removed, more informative labels in
overview image. [unstable] |
V3.2.0 |
2009-08-12 |
The fast and robust Decomposition Analysis was updated and is now
lablled Continuous Decomposition Analysis. It works very straight-forward
and decomposes SC data into continuous tonic and phasic data (i.e.,
phasic driver). This method is now fully integrated and event-related
analysis returns three parameters: area and max of driver response
and a reconvoluted SCR amplitude (see upcoming description of phasic
parameters). |
V3.1.1 |
2009-07-02 |
Fast decomposition analysis now available in batch-mode. |
V3.1.0 |
2009-06-25 |
A faster and more robust decomposition variant was added to the
analysis section, which however may be somewhat less precise; the
area (integral) of the driver within the response window (driverint)
was added as a new event-related parameter for decomposed data; standard
trough2peak anlaysis is performed already on load of data. |
V3.0.6 |
2009-04-24 |
Export event-related info: labels added and missing tonic info debugged |
V3.0.5 |
2009-02-27 |
All custom settings are adopted by batch-mode |
V3.0.4 |
2009-02-13 |
Additional settings for decomposition analysis and labels |
V3.0.3 |
2008-11-15 |
Batch-mode now will accept all data formats, SRC list will export
to text and xls-file |
V3.0.2 |
2008-11-07 |
Import of Varioport data (contributed by Christoph Berger), export
of scr-list debugged |
V3.0.1 |
2008-10-31 |
New import options, some minor debugging and settings refinements |
V3.0.0 |
2008-10-15 |
Major update (beta version):
Modelling of SC data is done by means of positive deconvolution
with a Bateman function - template |
Ledalab V2.2.0 |
2008-10-06 |
Batch mode, GaussXBateman-Template, additional downsampling options,
some debugging |
Ledalab V2.1.4 |
2008-05-16 |
Smoothing function added, artifact interpolation improved, batch
mode, some debugging (compatibility with mac, exporting problem after
loading fit, import from different Biotrace systems) |
V2.1.3 |
2008-02-08 |
Open ledafile problem debugged; selection can be dragged withing
epoch display |
V2.1.2 |
2008-02-05 |
FFT-Tool included, downsampling has additional option (stepwise)
and changes to settings are saved for future sessions |
V2.1.1 |
2008-01-23 |
Ledalab info section provides access to documentation, website,
and version check; bug within cut function fixed. |
V2.1.0 |
2008-01-22 |
Now includes downsampling, artifact correction, new import file
formats (BioTrace and Vision Analyzer) and additional analysis parameters
for export (also see updated documentation) |
V2.0.0 |
2007-10-02 |
General revision, different optimization strategy, new GUI, and
much more |
Ledalab V1.3.2 |
2006 |