Here you can find an archive of previous Ledalab releases, the newer versions are released on Github.
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation. Ledalab versions 1.3 to 3.4.6 have been developed by Mathias Benedek.

Version Date What's new
Development version
Most recent version
Most recent changes
Ledalab V3.4.9 2016-04-18 Fix marker import for Matlab R>=2015a
Ledalab V3.4.8 2015-08-27 Improved (more robust) event and data import function. See "What's new.txt" for details.
Ledalab V3.4.7 2015-01-12 New event import functionality: You can now either load new event markers from a text file and (1) delete the existing ones, (2) keep the existing ones, (3) recode the existing ones. See "What's new.txt" for details.
Ledalab V3.4.6c 2014-05-20 Import of Biotrace UK format now supported; Butterworth filter function extended and included in batch-analysis. CDA-PhasicMax score added (again) to event-related activation measures. Minor debugging.
Ledalab V3.4.5 2014-01-30 EDA_Results script allows saving aggregated EDA scores for all analyzed files of an experiment (see help EDA_Results). leda2.analysis variable provides access to onsets, peak times and amplitudes of all reconvolved SCRs and phasic driver peaks (after CDA). Plus minor debugging.
Ledalab V3.4.4 2013-06-11 More flexible import of events with time and optional marker info. Potential conflict for downsample-function with Signal Processing TB removed. Minor bug-fixes.
Ledalab V3.4.3 2012-06-08 Ledalab now imports data from text-files with variable format (Text Type 3; manual definition); Text Type 2 was changed to the standard format [SC (Marker)].
Ledalab V3.4.2 2012-05-25 Export of SCR-List now available in batch-mode; export of SCR-list no longer requires events.
Ledalab V3.4.1 2012-04-16 A tool was added which allows to plot event-related data per conditions (contributed by Christoph Huber-Huber) - see Tools. This is great way to visualize the effect of your experimental conditions on the EDA data (phasic driver and phasic data after CDA). Further minor debugging and optimization.
Ledalab V3.4.0 2012-02-19 Analysis and export of standard event-related activation scores (number of SCRs, latency, amplitude-sum) now also available for CDA. Export of SCR-List (txt, xls, mat) included. More consistent labelling of scores.
Ledalab V3.3.4 2012-02-09 Import event-data function included.
Ledalab V3.3.3 2012-01-22 Import function now checks for positive values. Some minor graphic changes.
variable_era 2012-01-18 A script that allows to compute event-related phasic activity for events with variable stimulus durations. It applied to files analyzed with CDA. See comments in the script for further documentation.
Ledalab V3.3.2 2011-11-10 Ledalab was patched to ensure Linux-compatibility (contributed by Vincent Emanuele).
Ledalab V3.3.1 2011-05-28 Direct import of Biopac-files now supported (i.e., the workaround via BioSig is no longer required). Single and multiple event-channels are supported (see documentation).
Ledalab V3.3.0 2011-05-09 Import function for Biopac Matlab-Export files now included.
Ledalab V3.2.9 2011-02-18 CDA-parameter SCR added (see documentation). Vision Analyzer Import more robust. Writing of log-files more informative and more robust.
Ledalab V3.2.8 2010-12-18 Data Import function debugged.
Ledalab V3.2.7 2010-11-09 Batch-mode now includes smoothing; batch-options for analysis-method changed (see online docu). Event-related analysis now also exports to Excel-files; mind that the variable-structure of the Matlab-export slightly changed. Minor debugging. [unstable]
Ledalab V3.2.6 2010-07-11 Import functionality for Biopac data via BioSig toolbox (see Initial values for optimization now based on empirical results in reference publications.
Ledalab V3.2.5 2010-03-05 Window-maximize works for 64-Bit systems. Smoothing function debugged.
Ledalab V3.2.4 2010-01-15 Varioport-Import works for data without marker.
Ledalab V3.2.3 2009-09-29 Decomposition analysis debugged: division by zero error and correct fit model depiction after file load.
Ledalab V3.2.2 2009-09-09 Decomposition analysis debugged; unused files deleted; depiction of overshoot components debugged and settable in visual settings.
Ledalab V3.2.1 2009-09-03 Minor refinements on the Continuous Decomposition (e.g., optimization criterion); Batchmode: options for export of event-related activation setable, export-scr option was removed, more informative labels in overview image. [unstable]
Ledalab V3.2.0 2009-08-12 The fast and robust Decomposition Analysis was updated and is now lablled Continuous Decomposition Analysis. It works very straight-forward and decomposes SC data into continuous tonic and phasic data (i.e., phasic driver). This method is now fully integrated and event-related analysis returns three parameters: area and max of driver response and a reconvoluted SCR amplitude (see upcoming description of phasic parameters).
Ledalab V3.1.1 2009-07-02 Fast decomposition analysis now available in batch-mode.
Ledalab V3.1.0 2009-06-25 A faster and more robust decomposition variant was added to the analysis section, which however may be somewhat less precise; the area (integral) of the driver within the response window (driverint) was added as a new event-related parameter for decomposed data; standard trough2peak anlaysis is performed already on load of data.
Ledalab V3.0.6 2009-04-24 Export event-related info: labels added and missing tonic info debugged
Ledalab V3.0.5 2009-02-27 All custom settings are adopted by batch-mode
Ledalab V3.0.4 2009-02-13 Additional settings for decomposition analysis and labels
Ledalab V3.0.3 2008-11-15 Batch-mode now will accept all data formats, SRC list will export to text and xls-file
Ledalab V3.0.2 2008-11-07 Import of Varioport data (contributed by Christoph Berger), export of scr-list debugged
Ledalab V3.0.1 2008-10-31 New import options, some minor debugging and settings refinements
Ledalab V3.0.0 2008-10-15

Major update (beta version):
Modelling of SC data is done by means of positive deconvolution with a Bateman function - template

Ledalab V2.2.0 2008-10-06 Batch mode, GaussXBateman-Template, additional downsampling options, some debugging
Ledalab V2.1.4 2008-05-16 Smoothing function added, artifact interpolation improved, batch mode, some debugging (compatibility with mac, exporting problem after loading fit, import from different Biotrace systems)
Ledalab V2.1.3 2008-02-08 Open ledafile problem debugged; selection can be dragged withing epoch display
Ledalab V2.1.2 2008-02-05 FFT-Tool included, downsampling has additional option (stepwise) and changes to settings are saved for future sessions
Ledalab V2.1.1 2008-01-23 Ledalab info section provides access to documentation, website, and version check; bug within cut function fixed.
Ledalab V2.1.0 2008-01-22 Now includes downsampling, artifact correction, new import file formats (BioTrace and Vision Analyzer) and additional analysis parameters for export (also see updated documentation)
Ledalab V2.0.0 2007-10-02 General revision, different optimization strategy, new GUI, and much more
Ledalab V1.3.2 2006  

Check the documentation for further information and references.